1% Chlorine solution distributed by Eco-Concern Private Limited can be used for variety of disinfection purposes. To ensure maximum effectiveness, proper cleaning of water is suggested in case of turbid water samples. It is being prepared following the CDC guidelines. The chlorine solution is mainly used for sterilisation of large volumes of water by domestic households as well as in water treatment plants.

Product Description

What is 1% Chlorine solution?

1% Chlorine solution distributed by Eco-Concern Private Limited can be used for variety of disinfection purposes. To ensure maximum effectiveness, proper cleaning of water is suggested in case of turbid water samples. It is being prepared following the CDC guidelines. The chlorine solution is mainly used for sterilisation of large volumes of water by domestic households as well as in water treatment plants.

Why 1% Chlorine Solution?

Transmission of disease causing pathogens through drinking water distribution system may lead to many waterborne diseases in those who consume it. In Nepal, water used in majority of the households have shown the presence of E.coli in them. Moreover, natural disasters such as landslides, floods, earthquake which occur frequently in Nepal every year adds up the existing threat of water borne diseases due to lack of access to safe water during the disaster. In order to tackle this problem chlorine solution has been developed and can be used to purify water to eliminate biological growth, remove excess iron and manganese, taste and odour and to maintain chlorine levels in water. The solution is also suitable for cleaning floors and other household areas when used in correct proportion.

Key Features

  • 1 L of 1% Chlorine solution can disinfect up to 10000 L of water
  • Suitable to use in water disinfection in large scale.

User’s Instructions

  • For 1000 L of water, use 100 mL of 1% Chlorine solution.
  • Use the water post 30 minutes of addition of Chlorine solution.
  • If the water is turbid, clean it prior to addition of chlorine solution.
  • Stir the water well using plastic pipe or wooden stick after addition of chlorine solution in water tank


  • Always close the container after use and place it away from the sunlight and the reach of children.
  • Avoid contact of chlorine solution with any body parts. In case of spillage, wash the affected areas with enough water.
  • In case of contact with mouth, drink plenty amount of water.


The product has been developed and distributed by Eco-Concern Private Limited to provide easy water disinfection method mainly suitable for large quantities.


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1% Chlorine solution